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Curated Stories

Here is our list of stories that have been extracted from real life incidents. Use the filters and go page by page, maybe something amazing awaits you some mere pages away, hehe. Our tags will help you to decide what to read and maybe what not?
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3 Jan,2024Read

What was that in our basement parking?

What was that in our basement parking?
This is the incident that happened in 2019. We moved in to a new housing complex and something I saw in the basement, maybe shouldn’t have seen it.
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NAVIGATION(clicking on numbers doesnot work as of now 🙂 )
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Cursed Diary.

Chills in every emotion.

© Diptanshu Mahish 2024

This page is maintained by Diptanshu Mahish, and this is all for fun purpose, I do not promote any of these stuff, so take the fun as fun. Thanks.Want to submit content?