Hey there, hope you liked this website and are among those who want to contribute to us. You can can contrubite about the following type of things:
STEP 1: Check whether you have the correct content
Your own perosnal life experiences about hauntings or any such other things
Some fictional stories that you have written and want to share with others
Any real life popular incidents that you have read or heard about
Urban Legends or urban legend based games and other folklore
How to submit to us?
STEP 2: Check out how to submit and about Notion
We primarily take submissions via Notion, also you can send us a mail if you do not want to use notion, but if you want to keep your writings intact and same styling then we reccomend using notion
If you are using Notion then follow these guidelines
your Notion file must have the following sections
1. A cover image must be available in your notion document2. A heading for the file must be there3. A mini description about the content in some 30 words4. Any Image that you use in your file must have captions5. Try not to write the entire thing in a single para, divide everything into headings and small paras6. Add your author name, it will be public7. In some words describe a bit about yourself, it would be public as well8. Add your email9. If you are writing some urban legends, then mention the country 10. Check out this notion design
If you are using Markdown format then follow these guidelines
Your Markdown file must have the following sections
1. A link to the cover image must be available in your .md document2. A heading for the document in h1 must be there3. A mini description about the content in some 30 words4. Any Image with link that you use in your file must have captions5. Try not to write the entire thing in a single para, divide everything into headings and small paras6. Add your author name, it will be public7. In some words describe a bit about yourself, it would be public as well8. Add your email9. If you are writing some urban legends, then mention the country 10. Check out this markdown design
If you just want to submit or share an experience and get it written by us then follow these guidelines.
Your email must have the following info
1. A link to a cover image , if not available then no issues2. A heading for the document(must)h1must be there3. A mini description, if possible4. Any images for the same, if available then good, but provide context and captions5. Add your author name, it will be public, if you want to publish anonymously then skip the next steps, and mention that you want to post anonymously.6. In some words describe a bit about yourself, it would be public as well7. Add your email8. If you are writing some urban legends, then mention the country
It would be really great of you, if you submit us some incidents. We would love to hear from you. In case you have any questions about submisisons then feel free to mail us at submissionsforcurseddiary@gmail.com ✨
This page is maintained by Diptanshu Mahish, and this is all for fun purpose, I do not promote any of these stuff, so take the fun as fun. Thanks.Want to submit content?